Cabbages close up

Cabbages / Brassica

Complete, efficient and immediate nutrition for higher yields

Basic Information

Cabbages are a diverse group of vegetables, each with its own demands. They are healthy, because they contain antioxidants (glucosinolates) and a lot of vitamins. Depending on the target market (fresh market or industry) the requirements on the cabbages are different. In the fresh market the shape and appearance of the cabbage is important, whereas for the industry the yield is the decisive factor. The fertilizer program should be adapted according to the variety and the target market.

Cabbages production v

Detailed Description

Cabbages have a high demand for nutrients due to the longer crop life and the high yield. The nitrogen-stabilized NovaTec® fertilizers are ideal for a continuous nitrogen supply during growth. Depending on the duration of the cultivation, it is possible to save on the number of fertilization applications and still harvest excellent quantities and qualities. Also some micronutrients, such as boron, are very important for a healthy growth. In broccoli cultivation 75 % of nitrogen and potassium are absorbed during the formation of the head, whereas phosphorus is required continuously throughout the cycle. Broccoli also requires boron and molybdenum due to the rapid growth, the short cycle, and the high production. In soils where magnesium is scarce, this nutrient should be supplemented. For this reason, Solubor® is a good option, either for foliar application or applied via fertigation. In both cases it is totally safe to use if the doses are observed that COMPO EXPERT has determined as optimal, effective and safe.

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